Category: Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews

Mrs. – A Bold Statement or a One-Sided Narrative?

Reading Time: 3 minutesSome films entertain, some spark conversations, and some ignite full-blown debates. Mrs. falls into the last category. While praised for its feminist narrative, it has also faced backlash—especially from men—who argue that the film selectively highlights only one side of the gender equation in marriage. The question is: Does the film truly reflect reality, or […]

Indian Cinema Movie Reviews

My Love Affair with South Indian Cinema

Reading Time: 2 minutesGrowing up in the early 2000s without the luxury of the internet, my world of entertainment was largely defined by what played on our trusty cable TV. Amidst a limited choice of channels, I often found myself watching South Indian movies dubbed in Hindi. At the time, these films felt overwhelmingly flamboyant with their grandiose […]

Emotional Impact Fan Reflections Movie Reviews Superhero Films

The Enduring Impact of Spiderman’s Ultimate Sacrifice: A Reflection

Reading Time: < 1 minuteIntroduction: “In the world of superheroes, few stories have resonated as deeply as Spiderman’s. The line ‘With great power comes great responsibility’ has become synonymous with the Spiderman saga, especially in the portrayal by Tom Holland. His performance in ‘No Way Home‘ was not just a display of heroism; it was a heart-wrenching narrative of […]

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