Category: Neuroscience

Cognitive Science Human Behavior Mental Health Neuroscience Psychology Sensory Perception

Unraveling the Mysteries of Perception: A Comprehensive Guide

Reading Time: 3 minutes Perception, the gateway through which we experience our world, is a pivotal aspect of human psychology. This intricate process involves interpreting sensory data to construct our reality. As a psychological researcher, I invite you on a journey to explore the depths of perception, its stages, and how it shapes our understanding of the world. Understanding […]

Indian Mythology Mental Health Mindfulness and Self-Improvement Neuroscience Psychology Technology and Education Web Development

Embracing the High of Purpose: Beyond the Ephemeral Thrills

Reading Time: 2 minutes In a world constantly seeking instant gratification and ephemeral highs, it’s easy to get lost in the fleeting pleasures that life offers. The quest for a quick fix, a momentary escape, or a transient buzz often leads many down a path of temporary euphoria. But what if there’s a different kind of ‘नशा‘ (intoxication) – […]

Mental Health Neuroscience Psychology

Understanding Neurotransmitters: The Key to Mental Health

Reading Time: 2 minutes Our brain is a complex network, communicating through chemicals known as neurotransmitters. These tiny messengers play a pivotal role in regulating our mood, thoughts, and behaviors. In this article, we delve into the world of neurotransmitters and their profound impact on mental health. Key Neurotransmitters and Their Functions Neurotransmitters and Mental Health Imbalances in these […]

Brain Health Cognitive Science Education Educational Psychology Neuroscience Psychology

Understanding Bilateral Learning

Reading Time: 4 minutes Before diving into the topic, I must admit it was the first time I encountered this term in my class. Although I was familiar with the concepts of left/right brain functioning and their training, the new terminology initially left me perplexed. Recognizing that I might not be alone in this confusion, I decided to sit […]

Mental Health Neuroscience Psychology

Autism from a Psychological Perspective: A Comprehensive Overview

Reading Time: 2 minutes Not sure from where to start but all I can say I the idea to write an article came into my mind while I was watching a TV series call The Good Doctor. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition that has garnered significant attention and research within the field of psychology. From this […]

Applied Research Behavioral Science Educational Psychology Health Psychology Integrated Health Mental Health Neuroscience Psychology

Classical Conditioning and Its Influence in Psychology

Reading Time: < 1 minute Understanding the Basics of Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning is a fundamental concept in psychology, introduced by Ivan Pavlov in the early 20th century. This learning process involves creating an association between a naturally occurring stimulus and a previously neutral one. Pavlov’s Experiment Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, demonstrated classical conditioning through his famous experiment with […]

Education Educational Psychology Mental Health Neuroscience Psychology

Neurotransmitters and Their Impact on Mental Health

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Chemical Messengers of the Brain Neurotransmitters are vital chemical messengers in the brain, playing a crucial role in influencing our mood, behavior, and overall mental health. Understanding their function helps in grasping the complexity of mental health disorders and their treatment. What Are Neurotransmitters? Neurotransmitters are chemicals released by neurons in the brain to […]

Applied Research Education Educational Psychology Mental Health Neuroscience Psychology

Exploring the Diverse Branches of Psychology: Insights and Real-World Applications

Reading Time: 2 minutes Psychology, the scientific study of mind and behavior, is a multifaceted discipline encompassing various branches, each with its unique focus and practical applications. In this article, we delve into these branches, offering real-world examples and highlighting their contributions to our understanding of human behavior. Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology specializes in diagnosing and treating mental disorders. […]

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