Category: Personal Stories

Emotional Wellness Fatherhood Health & Healing Life Transitions Personal Stories

A Letter to My Beloved Daughter on Your Third Birthday

Reading Time: 2 minutes My Dear Arya, Life’s journey has its highs and lows, but through everything, you shine as my greatest joy. Regardless of how tough my day is or how down I feel, your smile, your tiny toes, and the way you adorably say “main gussa hu” wash all my worries away. You truly are a miracle. […]

Emotional Wellness Fatherhood Health & Healing Life Transitions Personal Stories

Love at First Sight: A Father’s Tale of Healing and Joy

Reading Time: 2 minutes Transforming Pain into Love Rewind to May 20, 2015, a day that had etched itself in my memory for all the wrong reasons. Diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, I was engulfed in excruciating pain, both physical and emotional. It was an ordeal that tested my limits, a painful chapter in my life’s journey. The memory of […]

Indian Culture Life Lessons Personal Stories Spirituality Travel Diaries

In the Vision of a Pure Heart: A Night of Faith at a Railway Station

Reading Time: 2 minutes In the shadowed embrace of a 1990s evening in a serene village of Madhya Pradesh, a story unfurled that would etch itself indelibly into the tapestry of my childhood memories. It was a narrative that began with the simplicity of a familial visit but soon transcended into an odyssey of faith, fear, and divine providence. […]

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