Category: Technology and Education

Culture Indian Mythology Mental Health Personal Development Psychology Spiritual Wisdom in Modern Life Technology and Education

The ‘Devil Within’: A Deep Dive into Psychological and Cultural Dynamics

Reading Time: 2 minutes The concept of the ‘Devil Within‘ in psychology, representing our inner conflicts and negative impulses, finds intriguing parallels in Indian mythology and modern life, offering a rich tapestry of understanding about human nature. Indian Mythology: A Mirror to Inner Conflicts Indian mythology is replete with stories that reflect the psychological concept of the ‘Devil Within’. […]

Indian Mythology Mental Health Mindfulness and Self-Improvement Neuroscience Psychology Technology and Education Web Development

Embracing the High of Purpose: Beyond the Ephemeral Thrills

Reading Time: 2 minutes In a world constantly seeking instant gratification and ephemeral highs, it’s easy to get lost in the fleeting pleasures that life offers. The quest for a quick fix, a momentary escape, or a transient buzz often leads many down a path of temporary euphoria. But what if there’s a different kind of ‘नशा‘ (intoxication) – […]

Motivation and Inspiration Personal Development Technology and Education

Embracing Failure: The Resilience Journey Inspired by “12th Fail”

Reading Time: 2 minutes “Every setback is a setup for a comeback.” This profound truth, beautifully illustrated in the inspiring movie “12th Fail,” resonates with anyone who has faced setbacks yet dared to dream. This film is not just a story; it’s a reflection of the countless real-life journeys of individuals who, against all odds, have chosen to persevere, […]

Career Journeys Lifelong Learning Personal Development Technology and Education Unconventional Pathways

Embarking on a New Educational Journey: The Unconventional Path of a Software Engineer

Reading Time: 2 minutes By a lifelong learner and self-taught tech enthusiast From a very young age, the confines of traditional schooling felt restrictive to me. I remember flipping through my textbooks with an insatiable curiosity, often finishing them long before my teachers had the chance to cover the material in class. This rapid pace of learning led many […]

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