Category: Web Development

Programming Technology Web Design Web Development

HTMX: Revolutionizing Web Development with HTML

Reading Time: 4 minutes Why am I delving into HTMX, diverging from my usual focus on self-improvement and psychology? The answer lies in my roots. As a web application developer primarily experienced with the MEAN or MERN stack, I have a foundation deeply embedded in creating dynamic web solutions. My journey with HTMX began somewhat unexpectedly while browsing YouTube. […]

Frontend Development React Updates Software Engineering Technology Updates Web Development

React’s Exciting New Features Unveiled

Reading Time: < 1 minute React developers, whether you’re a veteran or dusting off your skills after some time, there’s something exciting on the horizon. The React team has rolled out updates that promise to enrich your development experience. Here’s a deep dive into the upgrades: The Compiler: Your Code’s Guardian Angel The introduction of a new compiler is like […]

Indian Mythology Mental Health Mindfulness and Self-Improvement Neuroscience Psychology Technology and Education Web Development

Embracing the High of Purpose: Beyond the Ephemeral Thrills

Reading Time: 2 minutes In a world constantly seeking instant gratification and ephemeral highs, it’s easy to get lost in the fleeting pleasures that life offers. The quest for a quick fix, a momentary escape, or a transient buzz often leads many down a path of temporary euphoria. But what if there’s a different kind of ‘नशा‘ (intoxication) – […]

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