Ever since I was little, I’ve felt like the odd one out, the main character in a story where everyone else seems to have their lines memorized, but I’m still flipping through the script. Life, by most standards, looks like a highlight reel: I’m in love with my dream partner, working at Trantor Inc., a place that’s more chill than your favorite coffee shop, with enough in the bank to make my younger self high-five me. It sounds like I’ve hit the jackpot, right?But deep down, it’s like I’m in a different story. Imagine this: as a kid, I was the one who always got picked last in sports, the one who’s lunch money was a magnet for bullies. Or picture a teenage me, always the sidekick in someone else’s love story, never the hero in mine. Fast forward to now, and it’s like those chapters never closed. I’m the guy who got everything he wanted, but with a nagging voice in my head asking, “Do I really deserve this?”It’s like living two lives – one where I’m the envy of my peers, and another where I’m just waiting for someone to find out I’m not who they think I am. Psychologically, this could be what’s known as ‘impostor syndrome’, where no matter how much you achieve, you still feel like a fraud. It’s like your achievements are just lucky breaks rather than the result of your own skills and effort.The story of my life is a mix of fact and fiction, where the line between them is as blurry as a dream. But maybe, the real plot twist is realizing that every hero has their own fears and doubts – it’s what makes their story worth reading.

Dual Realities: Success and the Shadow Within
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