EVMs in India: Unhackable Guardians of Democracy or Scapegoats of the Defeated?

EVMs in India: Unhackable Guardians of Democracy or Scapegoats of the Defeated?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As election seasons wave their dramatic flags over India, a familiar chorus often rises from the opposition’s quarters—blaming the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) for their electoral woes. Dubbed as “Loktantra ki hatya” (the murder of democracy), this outcry might seem like an annual ritual for the skeptically defeated. But let’s dissect this claim with a pinch of technology, a sprinkle of logic, and a dash of recent developments.

The Isolated Fortress of EVMs

First off, EVMs are akin to mini-computers that are staunchly introverted—they do not mingle with networks. This isolation is not just a mere technicality; it’s their core design principle. Since these machines aren’t networked, the common cyber villainy via network breaches is off the table. No WiFi teasings, no LAN tantrums, and certainly no HTTP interceptors invited.

The Scale of the ‘Imaginary’ Hack

Moving on from their isolated nature, let’s ponder the scale of hacking required if one were to manipulate EVMs. To orchestrate a hack across the vast expanse of India’s polling booths is a feat so formidable that it edges into the realm of impossibility. If hacking all EVMs at once seems like something out of a Bond movie, that’s because it probably is.

The Curious Case of Underachievement

For argument’s sake, let’s entertain the idea that EVMs can be tampered with. If such a monumental hack were indeed feasible, why settle for mere majorities? Why not shatter records and score a clean electoral sweep that makes historical mandates look modest? The BJP, often at the center of these EVM allegations, secured 303 seats in the 2019 general elections—a hefty number, but not an otherworldly tally that would suggest digital wizardry.

The Election Commission’s Open Challenge

Interestingly, the Election Commission of India has thrown down the gauntlet by inviting skeptics who claim that EVMs can be hacked. This open challenge involves testing the security of real, certified EVMs—not just the dummy versions used in demonstrations. So far, this challenge remains unmet, highlighting the robustness of the electoral technology or perhaps the baselessness of the accusations.

A Call for Political Sportsmanship

As the drums of elections beat, regardless of who leads—be it the BJP with a robust majority or any other formation—it’s crucial that the government ensures safety and security for all. And to the perennial EVM skeptics, perhaps it’s time to retire the old trope of blaming these machines at every electoral setback. After all, in the grand theatre of democracy, sometimes the script demands acceptance of the audience’s verdict without a scapegoat in the spotlight.

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