Tag: Emotional Health

Mental Health Personal Development Relationships Wellness and Self-Care

Navigating the Journey from Loneliness to Self-Love: Overcoming Toxic Relationships

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn the quiet moments of solitude, the heart yearns for companionship, often leading us down memory lanes best left untraveled. The longing for connection can sometimes draw us back to relationships that have caused us more harm than good. It’s a poignant reminder of our inherent vulnerability and the innate desire for social bonds. Yet, […]

Child Development Human Behaviour Mental Health Personal Growth Psychology Relationships

Understanding the Theory of Attachment

Reading Time: 1 minuteIntroduction to Attachment Theory Attachment theory, a concept in developmental psychology, explains the dynamics of long-term relationships between humans. It was first developed by John Bowlby and later expanded by Mary Ainsworth, focusing on the bonds between children and their caregivers. What is Attachment Theory? Attachment theory suggests that children come into the world biologically […]

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