Tag: philosophy

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Thanos: Right or Wrong

Reading Time: 2 minutesThanos’ Motive: A Complex Debate From one angle, Thanos could be seen as pragmatic. His plan to use the Infinity Stones to randomly eliminate half of all life across the universe was rooted in a harsh but straightforward logic: reduce the consumers, lessen the demand on dwindling resources. He argued that this would result in […]

Indian Philosophy Indian Scriptures Philosophy Self-Improvement Spirituality

Living with Wisdom: Guided by the Bhagavad Gita

Reading Time: 4 minutesWhile browsing the internet, I came across a video imbued with such powerful life lessons that I felt compelled to discuss and write about it. If you are rejected, accept it. If you are unloved, let it go. If they choose something or someone over you, move on. Not everyone you love will stay, and […]

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